• Who can compete?

Currently we are looking for students 17 years old (with a guardian’s approval) and up, that are rising juniors through undergrad college age.

  • What will I be filming?  

The only content that is being released at this point is that you will be working with a kitchen and bath contractor and/or designer of some sort.  Each week we will release new content to be filmed, edited, produced, with specific requirements on when and how it will be promoted.  We do this to create the reality tv experience.  It is very much like any reality show that you have seen.  We give the ingredients, then you collaborate with your team (contestants that we team you up with) with a deadline to film, edit, and release the content.  All of the content will be fun and something you will want to release on your media platforms. You should be able to tell by the videos we have already released, we are a fun group to collaborate with.  😉

  • What will I win if I am the final contestant? 

The competition winnings are currently set at $20,000.00. However, if you work your social media correctly, the exposure and growth opportunities are endless for all 30 contestants.  Additionally, contestants have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the construction industry such as project management, scope & sequence of construction, and building a strong customer base.  Who knows where this publicity may land you.  You may find yourself on the set of a filming crew, you may become the next big influencer, or maybe land a job for one of these contractors as a full time social media implementer.

  • Where will we be filming?

Primary filming for season 1 will be in Wake Forest, NC.  There will be offsite locations that will vary depending on the specific content that will be filmed but should all be within a 45min-1hour radius of our home location.

  • What is on the TV show?

The tv portion that airs on the DH Reel L!fe you tube will be the reality aspect of what you are filming and your collaboration with your team.  ex.  The votes, the interviews about the votes, etc.  We have some GREAT companies that we will interview.  You will LOVE to interact with them.  You will also get to visit some great venues to do interviews.

  • Where will the show air?

The show will air on You tube and on all of your own social media platforms.

  • Do I have to be local? 

No, you do not have to be local to apply; however, you will have to be local for the two month filming period.  If you are not local, we can work with you on finding a host home.

  • Is there a cost to compete? 

There will be a $35.00 non-refundable application fee, ONLY if you are one of the 30 chosen competitors. This will cover a background check that will be done on each contestant.

  • Why should I do this now?

Since this is a newly released show, there are not as many competitors.  The chances are MUCH greater to get selected.  Once the show gains traction, I can only assume there will be thousands of applications to sift through.  Those that are local have an advantage to get in on the front end.

  • What if another contestant knows the cast?

Doesn’t that give them the edge in winning?  The cast will NOT be involved in selecting the contestants and/or voting.  This is all done by third party individuals and it changes each week.

  • Benefits?

Even if you do not win the money, you have the potential to win BIG!!  You would forever be connected with the TV show as it continues to grow.  Your own social media will be blasted across other influencers’ media and visa versa.  It is a social media networking phenomenon.  We at DH Reel L!fe understand that relationships are the best way to grow businesses and we cherish all the relationships that we have developed over the years.  We will continue to nurture these relationships.

  • I don’t have a great camera.

You would be AMAZED at the footage that we capture with our I phone.  That is the bulk of the footage that we use. Creativity goes a long way.

  • Do I have to know how to edit?

Obviously it helps to know how to edit.  However, you may be teamed up with someone who does.  I would recommend you looking into editing software such as Adobe, Final Cut, Canva, Davinci Resolve etc. This will help you gain some knowledge.  Watch You tube videos.  We hope to grow you out of your comfort zone to make us all better at what we do.  This is the beauty of the TV show.

  • Do I need to have my own computer equipment? 

Yes.  You will need to have a laptop to work with.  We will provide back up hard drives to store all footage.  This is where each team will edit from.

  • How much do I have to be available?

This is a 2 month commitment.  Where there is sacrifice, there is great reward and GREATER joy in the accomplishment.   This is a Monday – Friday involvement with potential Saturday and Sunday (if your team deems it necessary).   The slated times are from May 30 2025 through July 25th 2025.  Fridays are full days with a few other slated times in the evening.  See below schedule in greater detail.

  • Pre-contest:
    • 3/15/25 – 4/18/25 Contestant open entry.
    • 4/18/25  3:00pm-Entry deadline.
    • 4/25/25 Screening to 30 contestants.
    • 4/25/25 – 5/2/25 Accepted Contestants will be called.
    • 5/2/25 – 5/30/25  Each of the 30 contestants will have an individual one on one meeting scheduled with part of the production crew.
    • 5/30/25 8:00 a.m. Friday morning “Welcome” meeting.
  • Contest:
    • 5/30/25 – 7/25/25  We will have catered meals for each Friday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We are working on additional days as well, but as of now, Competitors will be on their own for meals unless otherwise specified. The 30 selected contestants are guaranteed roughly two weeks of filming before the first elimination round. Working hours: Monday through Friday during the slated times or however much time is deemed necessary by your team to complete the projects given. Saturdays and Sundays will be discretionary based upon your team’s needs and/or desires. Offices will be provided and available 7:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. 7 days/ week. All content release and voting days will be on Fridays from 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. with some dinners planned from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. There are two Mondays that have slated meetings from 3:00-6:00. Those Mondays are 6/16/25 and 7/7/25. There will also be a catered dinner on Wednesday 7/2/24. DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
    • 5/30/25  All day Meeting
    • 6/6/25  All day Meeting
    • 6/13/25  All day Meeting (1st elimination day)
    • 6/16/25 3:00-6:00 Meeting.
    • 6/20/25 All day Meeting (2nd elimination day)
    • 6/27/25  All day Meeting (3rd elimination day)
    • 7/2/25 1:00-11:00 Contestants will be filming all day with lunch provided and a catered dinner.
    • 7/4/25  All day Meeting (4th elimination day)
    • 7/7/25  3:00-6:00 Meeting.
    • 7/11/25  All day Meeting (5th elimination day)
    • 7/18/25  All day Meeting (5th elimination day)  LIVE
    • 7/18/25 – 7/25/25  Final week of promoting.   At this point, the final 4 contestants will be on their own promoting their own media platforms along with DHReelL!fe, grabbing votes from the viewers. The finalist will be chosen on 7/25/25.
    • 7/25/25 Block party with our finalist being chosen.

If you still have questions, please call David Taylor at 919-841-6839.