30 Contestants

$20,000 Prize

About DH Reel L!fe:

DH Reel L!fe is a reality TV show where students will compete to win a $20k monetary prize utilizing their social media skills over a two month period.  Rising high school seniors through undergrad college age contestants will compete in two facets – as an individual and as a member of a team. Contestants will be paired with different kitchen and bath companies to build the company’s media presence all while boosting the contestant’s own individual social media platforms.  Contestants will be sharpening their skills in filming, editing, producing, and promoting of social media content.  They will be given different tasks each week with deadlines to create a competitive environment.  Their completed projects will be subjected to a panel of judges who will eliminate contestants each week until there is one final winner left standing.

The small business contractors that participate will increase their social media exposure and receive free publicity throughout the duration of the contest.   The DH Reel L!fe cast will work with the individual contractors towards strengthening their infrastructure, workmanship, operations, and processes.  Another realm of opportunity exists for local businesses to provide products or meals in exchange for free publicity. If you are a small business owner that would like to be featured please select “apply now”, and let us know in the notes why you would like to partner with DH Reel L!fe.   

Our goal is to have a little fun and create relationships while we also challenge budding entrepreneurs to impact the world around them with the content they create.  Apply now for this amazing opportunity to boost your social media presence and potentially catapult yourself into a career in the film industry.

NEXT SCHEDULED SEASON:  5/30/25-7/25/25  (see faq’s for a more detailed schedule.)


Have Questions? Call Us!

(848) DHR-LIFE

(848) 347-5433

Meet the Founder:

David Taylor is an entrepreneur in the kitchen and bath industry. For almost 25 years, he has watched our world be massively transformed by social media and realized that the working world is increasingly relying on a social media presence to advance their product or company.  After a year and a half of wrestling through his own social media, David has developed a deeper understanding of the enormous expense and overwhelming feat this can be for entrepreneurs that do not have the knowledge or skills to further their own social media platforms.  The younger generations seemingly have been born with tech savvy tendencies!  David’s desire is to bridge the gap between the “older generation” company with the “younger generation” influencer and to see the small American made business thrive in a world that has become so fast, busy, and “techy”.  DH Reel L!fe is the platform to bridge this gap.  Come journey with us as we increase the knowledge of the older generation and boost the careers of the budding content creators. 

Designhouse Kitchen and Bath

More About our Launching Partner

Meet Designhouse Reel L!fe Cast

With 24+ years of experience under their belt, Designhouse Kitchen and Bath has become an industry leader in the North Carolina greater Raleigh area.  Cast includes David Taylor, a general contractor with a strong technical background in design, tile, stone, and all things kitchen and bath; his dad, Earnie Taylor, a pastor and trim carpenter all of his working life; and brother, Tim Taylor, a technical expert in the tile and stone industry. Their combined expertise of kitchen and bath design and quality craftsmanship will simply take your breath away.

This tight-knit family dynamic has melded a unique, loving, and fun atmosphere that you will not want to miss.  With expanding their family influence into a reality TV setting, you will witness Tim hilariously botching any line that has been scripted and will fall in love with Earnie (a.k.a. “Papa Earnie” or “Pepperoni”) who is quite the natural behind the camera. Then there’s David Taylor…their charismatic leader who brings LIFE to every party and enthusiasm to every job site. Come journey with them as their story is only beginning! 

Ready to JOIN the Team?

Get Started, Request an Application!

Have Questions? Call Us!

(848) DHR-LIFE

(848) 347-5433


    Designhouse Reel Life and most of our staff are believers in Jesus Christ. Although we are not perfect, we try to live by the principles put forth in the Bible, which we believe to be the living and inerrant word of God!  We will do our best to produce content that upholds those principles and ethics, but our desire is to welcome anyone from all walks of life to compete as long as you meet the requirements set forth on the website and “contestant agreement” competition guidelines. DH Reel Life cannot control content that is produced by competitors after they leave the show.  However, we will do our best to put into place third-party affiliates who will choose the contestants in a way that ensures they will produce content that is safe for viewers of all ages. This includes but is not limited to content that is free from sexual innuendos, vulgar language or curse words, and free of provocative dress.
    We will never push our beliefs on anyone since it is the very foundation of our belief that everyone can choose their own path in life but we will do our best as if not to compromise.  Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to meeting all of you on the set.